Targeting IL-12 family cytokines: A potential strategy for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus


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Diabetes is a common metabolic disease characterized by an imbalance in blood glucose levels. The pathogenesis of diabetes involves the essential role of cytokines, particularly the IL-12 family cytokines. These cytokines, which have a similar structure, play multiple roles in regulating the immune response. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of IL-12 family cytokines in the development of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. As a result, they hold promise as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of these conditions. This review focuses on the potential of targeting IL-12 family cytokines for diabetes therapy based on their roles in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes. We have summarized various therapies that target IL-12 family cytokines, including drug therapy, combination therapy, cell therapy, gene therapy, cytokine engineering therapy, and gut microbiota modulation. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of these therapies, we have evaluated their feasibility for clinical application and proposed possible solutions to overcome any challenges. In conclusion, targeting IL-12 family cytokines for diabetes therapy provides updated insights into their potential benefits, such as controlling inflammation, preserving islet beta cells, reversing the onset of diabetes, and impeding the development of diabetic complications.
Diabetes mellitus,IL-12 family cytokines,Therapeutic targets,Pathogenesis,Inflammation,Clinical application
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