
The assessment of economic damage from tick-borne encephalitis based on potential years of life lost

Olga Sokolova, Tatyana Ushakova, Natalya Zykova,Roman Buzinov,Nikolay Tokarevich

Social Aspects of Population Health(2023)

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Significance. The assessment of economic damage from infectious diseases is important for substantiating the ongoing preventive and anti-epidemic measures. It makes it possible to identify the most significant diseases and make effective management decisions to reduce the incidence. The average incidence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in the Arkhangelsk region in 2004-2021 exceeds the Russian one 3.2 times. The Arkhangelsk region reports lethal cases every year. It is necessary to calculate the TBE economic damage to determine priority control measures and update preventive measures at the regional level. The purpose of the study is to calculate the economic damage from lethal cases of tick-borne encephalitis in the Arkhangelsk region and provide interpretations. Material and methods. The assessment of economic damage from lethal TBE cases was based on calculation of potential years of life lost (PYLL) according to Methodological recommendations [1]. The study used data on lethal TBE cases from the forms of Federal statistical observation # 2 "Information on infectious and parasitic diseases" in the Arkhangelsk region for 2011-2021, maps of epidemiological examination of TBE foci. Results. For the period from 2011 to 2021, the average economic damage incurred by the Arkhangelsk region because of the lost regional gross product associated with TBE deaths adjusted for inflation calculated on the basis of YPLL adds up to 12,136,771.6 Russian rubles per year. Conclusions. The economic damage calculation makes it possible to visualize the burden associated with TBE incidence in the Arkhangelsk region and substantiates the need to further improve preventive and anti-epidemic measures with regard to tick-borne encephalitis. Scope of application. The study results can be used to make management decisions to reduce the TBE incidence, including the development of plans and programs of preventive and anti-epidemic measures.
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