Unlocking New Avenues in Breast Cancer Treatment: The Synergy of Kinase Inhibitors and Immunotherapy


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Simple Summary Recent research has revealed a possible synergy between kinase inhibitors and immunotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Kinase inhibitors can modulate the tumor microenvironment, making it more receptive to the infiltration and activation of immune cells. This modulation increases the efficacy of subsequent immunotherapeutic interventions, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors. Moreover, targeting specific kinase pathways may reverse the immune evasion mechanisms employed by tumor cells, making them more susceptible to immune recognition and destruction. This dual approach promises to improve response rates and outcomes in breast cancer patients, particularly in kinase-disrupted subtypes. The convergence of kinase inhibitors and immunotherapy represents an exciting frontier in breast cancer treatment. Thus, in this review, we will examine these combinations and their potential impact on the efficacy of responses to these treatments.Abstract Cancer is one of the world's most significant health problems today. Currently, breast cancer has globally surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. In 2020, an estimated 2,261,419 new cases were diagnosed in women worldwide. Therefore, there is a need to understand the processes that can help us better treat this disease. In recent years, research in the fight against cancer has often been based on two treatment modalities. One of them is the use of protein kinase inhibitors, which have been instrumental in the development of new therapeutic strategies. Another crucial route is the use of immunotherapy, which has been touted as a great promise for cancer treatment. Protein kinase alterations can interfere with the effectiveness of other treatments, such as immunotherapy. In this review, we will analyze the role played by protein kinase alterations in breast cancer and their possible impact on the effectiveness of the response to immunotherapy treatments.
breast cancer,immunotherapy,protein kinase,inhibitor,antibody monoclonal,combination therapies
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