Unlocking the predictive power of quantum-inspired representations for intermolecular properties in machine learning


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The quest for accurate and efficient Machine Learning (ML) models to predict complex molecular properties has driven the development of new quantum-inspired representations (QIR). This study introduces MODA (Molecular Orbital Decomposition and Aggregation), a novel QIR-class descriptor with enhanced predictive capabilities. By incorporating wave-function information, MODA is able to capture electronic structure intricacies, providing deeper chemical insight and improving performance in unsupervised and supervised learning tasks. Specially designed to be separable, the multi-moiety regularization technique unlocks the predictive power of MODA for both intra- and intermolecular properties, making it the first QIR-class descriptor capable of such distinction. We demonstrate that MODA shows the best performance for intermolecular magnetic exchange coupling (JAB) predictions among the descriptors tested herein. By offering a versatile solution to address both intra- and intermolecular properties, MODA showcases the potential of quantum-inspired descriptors to improve the predictive capabilities of ML-based methods in computational chemistry and materials discovery. New MODA descriptor, a quantum-inspired representation enhancing ML predictions of molecular properties. By using a wave-function guess, MODA captures electronic structure intricacies to excel in intermolecular property predictions.
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