
Screening for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among a Group of Allergic School-Aged Children

Salwa A. Abd Elhamid, Eman A. Abdel Aziz,Azza M. Youssef, Amira S. Mohamed,Ghada A. Shousha

Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology/Egyptian journal of pediatric allergy and immunology(2023)

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Background: There are rising estimations for the prevalence of allergic diseases and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among children. Both disorders have their impact on the quality of life We sought to assess ADHD symptoms among a group of school-aged allergic children. Patients and Methods: A group of 120 children with physician diagnosed allergies and another 120 age and sex matched healthy children were enrolled. Patients were recruited from the Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology Unit, Children's Hospital, Ain Shams University, during the period from May 2022 to November 2022. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) criteria for ADHD, Conners scale and strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) were measured through valid translated questionnaire. Medical records were revised for the results of absolute eosinophil count (AEC), total IgE level and skin prick test (SPT) if available. Results: Patients included 77 (64.2%) males and 43 (35.8%) females with ages ranging from 6 to 12 years. Allergic diseases were distributed as follows: 50% with urticaria, 35% with allergic rhinitis/asthma and 35% with atopic dermatitis. Allergic patients had higher scores in SDQ subscales, total difficulties (p=0.001), emotional problems (p=0.006), conduct problems (p=0.007), hyperactivity (p=0.001) and conners' subscales oppositional (p=0.045), inattentive (0.001), hyperactive (p<0.001), anxiety (p<0.001), perfectionism (p<0.001), psychosomatic aspects (p<0.001), social problems, emotional liability (p<0.001), conners' global index (p= 0.007) and total DSM-IV (p<0.001) in comparison to controls. Conclusion: ADHD symptoms are more common among allergic children compared to healthy controls. Regular psychiatric assessment of the allergic children is recommended for early detection and management of possible behavioral changes. Further studies are warranted to investigate the impact of allergy medications and the control of allergic disease on ADHD symptoms.
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