Simulation of Thermal Relaxation in Spin Chemistry Systems on a Quantum Computer Using Inherent Qubit Decoherence

Brian Rost,Barbara Jones,Mariya Vyushkova, Aaila Ali, Charlotte Cullip, Alexander Vyushkov, Jarek Nabrzyski

arXiv (Cornell University)(2020)

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Current and near term quantum computers (i.e. NISQ devices) are limited in their computational power in part due to qubit decoherence. Here we seek to take advantage of qubit decoherence as a resource in simulating the behavior of real world quantum systems, which are always subject to decoherence, with no additional computational overhead. As a first step toward this goal we simulate the thermal relaxation of quantum beats in radical ion pairs (RPs) on a quantum computer as a proof of concept of the method. We present three methods for implementing the thermal relaxation, one which explicitly applies the relaxation Kraus operators, one which combines results from two separate circuits in a classical post-processing step, and one which relies on leveraging the inherent decoherence of the qubits themselves. We use our methods to simulate two real world systems and find excellent agreement between our results, experimental data, and the theoretical prediction.
quantum computer,spin chemistry systems,inherent qubit decoherence,thermal relaxation
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