Contrastive Multi-view Subspace Clustering of Hyperspectral Images based on Graph Convolutional Networks


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High-dimensional and complex spectral structures make the clustering of hyperspectral images (HSI) a challenging task. Subspace clustering is an effective approach for addressing this problem. However, current subspace clustering algorithms are primarily designed for a single view and do not fully exploit the spatial or textural feature information in HSI. In this study, contrastive multi-view subspace clustering of HSI was proposed based on graph convolutional networks. Pixel neighbor textural and spatial-spectral information were sent to construct two graph convolutional subspaces to learn their affinity matrices. To maximize the interaction between different views, a contrastive learning algorithm was introduced to promote the consistency of positive samples and assist the model in extracting robust features. An attention-based fusion module was used to adaptively integrate these affinity matrices, constructing a more discriminative affinity matrix. The model was evaluated using four popular HSI datasets: Indian Pines, Pavia University, Houston, and Xu Zhou. It achieved overall accuracies of 97.61%, 96.69%, 87.21%, and 97.65%, respectively, and significantly outperformed state-of-the-art clustering methods. In conclusion, the proposed model effectively improves the clustering accuracy of HSI.
Contrastive learning,hyperspectral images (HSI),multi-view clustering,remote sensing,subspace clustering
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