RAD@home Inter-University Collaboratory for citizen science in galaxy evolution with multi wavelength RGB images

Megha Rajoria, Arundhati Purohit,Ananda Hota

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union(2022)

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Abstract Unlike most web-based citizen science programmes, RAD@home citizen scientists are trained in an interactive manner, both online and in person. This Collaboratory model can alleviate various geo-political and socio-economic constraints on the growth of people in underdeveloped regions which is in synergy with mandates of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development. Owing to its Inter-University collaboratory design, supported by over 30 research institutions, it can attempt to convert the ‘Big Data Problem’ into a ‘Big Data Prospect’ by direct training and involving citizens in discoveries from multi-telescope data. Using the RAD-RGB-maker web-tool, e-astronomers learn the basics of multi-wavelength (UV-optical-IR-radio) extragalactic astronomy and create preliminary discovery reports of unusual radio sources thus becoming Co-Investigator in follow-up observations and publications (e.g. Discovery of RAD12). International expansion of RAD@home has been initiated during the recent IAU symposium 375 through its Educational and Outreach programme.
galaxy evolution,citizen science,wavelength,inter-university
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