Abstract 15026: The Use of Artificial Intelligence Guidance for Rheumatic Heart Disease Screening by Novices


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Introduction: A novel technology utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to provide real-time image-acquisition guidance, enabling novices to obtain diagnostic echocardiographic (echo) images holds promise to expand the reach of echo screening for rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We evaluated the ability of non-experts to obtain diagnostic quality images in patients with RHD using AI guidance (Caption Health) with color Doppler. Methods: This study was performed in Kampala, Uganda at the Uganda Heart Institute. Nurses and nursing students with no prior echo experience underwent one-day training in the use of AI guidance, which included a 7-view screening protocol with 2D and color Doppler images. Following training, all participants scanned 8-10 patients using AI guidance, half RHD and half normal. The same patients were scanned by two expert sonographers without the use of AI guidance. Each echo was evaluated by a panel of 4 expert echocardiographers blinded to the identity of the scanner (novice/exert) and diagnosis of the patient to provide quality assessment including (1) diagnostic quality to determine presence/absence of RHD, (2) more detailed valvular assessment, and (3) ACEP score 1-5 for each view. Results: Thirty-six novice scanners scanned a total of 50 patients, 25 with RHD and 25 controls. A total of 462 echocardiogram studies were obtained, 351 obtained by non-experts using AI guidance and 111 obtained by expert sonographers without AI guidance. Preliminary analysis of 394 interpretations showed that 95% of non-expert studies were of diagnostic quality to assess for RHD and mitral valve disease (vs 100% by experts, p=0.03), but only 56% of non-expert studies were of diagnostic quality to assess aortic valve disease (vs 97% by experts, p<0.0001). The ACEP scores of non-expert images were highest in the parasternal long axis images (mean 3.62, 84% ≥ 3) compared to lower scores for apical 4 (mean 3.28, 73% ≥3), and apical 5 images (mean 2.52, 46% ≥ 3). Conclusions: AI guidance with color Doppler is feasible to enable rheumatic heart disease screening by non-experts, performing significantly better for assessment of the mitral than aortic valve. Further refinement is needed to optimize acquisition of color Doppler apical views.
rheumatic heart disease screening,artificial intelligence guidance,artificial intelligence,heart disease
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