
An anthropological-multidisciplinary analysis of the cinerary remains discovered at ocnița - buridava pars est in toto et totum est in parte

Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology(2022)

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The archaeological research from 2016-2021 allowed us to identify in Buridava some types of archaeological structures that can also be found in other sites belonging to the classic Geto-Dacian era and which largely correspond to the discoveries of Dumitru Berciu from 1961-1992. The discoveries were made on terrace VIII, the last one on the western side of the bushy hills of Cosota. Looking back and benefiting today from multiple sources of analysis (LIDAR, aerial photography, etc.) we are convinced that all eight terraces and the Acropolis served starting from the last quarter of the 1st century BC and throughout the 1st century BC as a necropolis/sacred area. Our study is based on the analysis of the archaeological context; forensic anthropological analysis; serological analysis; X-ray microtomography (µXCT) and 3D reconstruction; SEM and EDS analyses; X-ray analysis, EDXRF spectrometry; The bones analysed are of human nature, a fact that is supported by their morphology, as well as by the serological and physical examinations that were carried out. There are a few exceptions where, due to the extremely small dimensions, further clarifications could not be made. The analyses focused on 1457 cremated fragments and various component parts of the bones of the human skeleton were identified.
toto et totum est,cinerary,ocnița,buridava,anthropological-multidisciplinary
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