Induksi Ketahanan sistemik Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Menggunakan Rizobakteri Indigenous Terhadap Viabilitas dan Vigor Benih Tomat

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian(2022)

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Abstrak. Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) merupakan jenis buah yang disukai masyarakat karena kandungan gizinya terhadap kesehatan tubuh. Kandungan zat pada tomat seperti vitamin C dan mineral. Buah tomat dimanfaatkan sebagai sayur-sayuran, bumbu dapur, bahan konsumsi, penambah selera makan, tambahan pewarna makanan, kosmetik dan herbal. Komposisi vitamin pada tomat dapat mengatasi banyak penyakit serta dapat mencegah kanker, yaitu kanker prostat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rizobakteri indigenous dalam mempertahankan viabilitas, mempertahankan vigor benih, meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tomat dan menginduksi ketahanan sistemik tanaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dengan 14 perlakuan rizobakteri, 2 perlakuan kontrol dan setiap taraf percobaan di ulang 3 kali. Faktor yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruhnya terhadap viabilitas, vigor benih serta pertumbuhan tanaman tomat dan menginduksi ketahanan sistemik tanaman, yang terdiri dari 14 jenis rizobakteri yaitu: LDG 3/2 (R1), LDG 3/3 (R2) , LDG 3/6 (R3), LDG 4/1 CT (R4), LDG 4/1 P (R5), LDG 4/2 (R6), LDG 4/9 (R7), LDG 5/2 (R8), LDG 5/3 (R9), LDG 6/2 (R10), LDG 6/4 (R11), LDG 6/5 (R12), LDG 7/3 (R13) dan LDG 7/7 (R14), Sebagai Kontrol (+) (R0) tanpa perlakuan serta Kontrol (-) (R0) dengan aquades. Penelitian ini diuji lanjut dengan Duncan Numeric Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari potensi tumbuh maksimum (PTM), daya berkecambah (DB), indeks vigor (IV), keserempakan tumbuh (KST), kecepatan tumbuh relatif (KCT-R) dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai 50% perkecambahan (T50), pertumbuhan bibit tomat yaitu pengukuran enzim peroksidase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi ketahanan sistemik dengan menggunakan rizobakteri indigenous berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pengukuran aktivitas enzim peroksidase. Rizobakteri indigenous perlakuan LDG 3/6 mencapai angka tertinggi yaitu 0,513 U mg-1protein, LDG 3/2 yaitu 0,396 U mg-1protein , LDG 5/2 yaitu 0,385 U mg-1protein dan LDG 3/3 0,376 U mg-1protein merupakan rizobakteri yang baik dalam menginduksi ketahanan sistemik tanaman tomat dibandingkan dengan 12 perlakuan lainnya.Induction of Sytemic Resistance of Tomato Plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Using Indigenous Rizobakteria against seed Viability and VigorAbstract. Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) is one type of fruit that is very popular with the public because it has a lot of nutritional content for the health of the body. The composition of the most nutrients in tomatoes such as vitamin C and minerals. Tomatoes are used as vegetables, kitchen spices, eaten, increase appetite, additional food coloring, cosmetics and herbs. The complete vitamin composition in tomatoes is believed to be able to overcome many diseases and consuming tomatoes continuously can prevent cancer, namely prostate cancer. This study aims to determine the effect of indigenous in maintaining viability, maintaining seed vigor, increasing tomato seedling growth and inducing plant systemic resistance. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. This study was conducted using a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 14 rhizobacterial treatments, 2 control treatments and each level of the experiment was repeated 3 times. The factors studied in this study were their effect on viability, seed vigor and growth of tomato plants and inducing systemic resistance of plants, which consisted of 14 types of rhizobacteria, namely: LDG 3/2 (R1), LDG 3/3 (R2), LDG 3/ 6 (R3), LDG 4/1 CT (R4), LDG 4/1 P (R5), LDG 4/2 (R6), LDG 4/9 (R7), LDG 5/2 (R8), LDG 5/ 3 (R9), LDG 6/2 (R10), LDG 6/4 (R11), LDG 6/5 (R12), LDG 7/3 (R13) and LDG 7/7 (R14), As Control (+) (R0) without treatment and Control (-) (R0) with distilled water. This research was further tested by Duncan Numeric Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5% level. Parameters observed consisted of maximum growth potential (PTM), germination capacity (DB), vigor index (IV), simultaneous growth (KST), relative growth speed (KCT-R) and time required to reach 50% germination (T50). , the growth of tomato seedlings by measuring the enzyme peroxidase. The results showed that the induction of systemic resistance using indigenous had a significant effect on the measurement parameters of the peroxidase enzyme activity. Indigenous rhizobacteria 3/6 treatment reached the highest number, namely 0.513 U mg-1 protein, LDG 3/2 is 0.396 U mg-1 protein , LDG 5/2 is 0.385 U mg-1 protein and LDG 3/3 0.376 U mg-1 protein is a good rhizobacteria in inducing systemic resistance of tomato plants compared to the other 12 treatments.
lycopersicum esculentum mill,tanaman tomat
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