
GPU propagation and visualisation of particle collisions with ALICE magnetic field model

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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The ALICE Collaboration at CERN developed a 3D visualisation tool capable of displaying a representation of collected collision data (particle trajectories, clusters and calorimeter towers) called the Event Display. The Event Display is constantly running in the ALICE Run Control Center as part of the Quality Assurance system, providing the monitoring personnel with visual cues about possible problems of both hardware and software components during periods of data gathering. In the software, particle trajectories (which are curved due to presence of magnetic field inside the detector) are generated from physical parameters of detected particles, such as electrical charge and momentum. Previously this process in the Event Display used a uniform, constant magnetic field for these calculations, which differs from the spatial variations of the real magnetic field and does not model one of the two magnets used in the detector. Recently, a detailed model of ALICE magnetic field was made available as a shader program for execution on the GPU. In this work we attempt to implement the reconstruction algorithm in a shader form as well, allowing us to combine it with the detailed model to create a full solution for rendering trajectories from collision event data directly on the GPU. This approach has several possible advantages, such as better performance and the ability to alter the magnetic field properties in real-time. This was not previously done for ALICE and as such could be used in the future to upgrade the Event Display.
particle collisions,magnetic field model,gpu,visualisation
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