An Optimized Deep Learning Technique for Detecting Lung Cancer from CT Images

CRC Press eBooks(2023)

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Of all the cancer diseases that have existed lung cancer also contributes to human deaths among all the cancers. Today, the number of people getting affected is increasing rapidly. India reports 70,000 cases per year. Currently, the technological improvements in the medical domain help the physician to detect the symptoms associated with the diseases precisely in a cost-effective manner. The asymptomatic nature of the disease makes it impossible to detect in the early stage. For any chronic disease, early prediction is essential for saving lives. In this chapter, a novel optimized CNN-based classifier is presented to alleviate the practical hindrances in the existing techniques such as overfitting Pre-processing, data augmentation, and detection of lung cancer from CT images using CNN is performed on the LIDC-IDRI dataset. The tested results show that the presented CNN-based classifier results are good compared to the results from the machine learning techniques in terms of quantitative metrics with an accuracy of 98% for lung cancer detection.
detecting lung cancer,optimized deep learning technique,lung cancer,deep learning,detecting images
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