
The children of the opioid epidemic: A mixed method examination of the developmental implications of prenatal opioid exposure among school-aged children

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Background Growing research points to potential long-term developmental implications of prenatal opioid exposure for children. Yet, polysubstance use and adverse childhood experiences are raised as potential confounders. Further, there is a lack of data on school-age children and the children’s strengths. Methods Parents and caregivers of children with prenatal opioid exposure worked with the study team to design, collect, and descriptively analyze mixed method data. Data were collected through survey (n = 148) and focus groups (n = 15) from a convenience sample in mostly West Virginia and Massachusetts. Results Eighty percent of children with prenatal opioid exposure in the sample were diagnosed with NOWS. Nearly half of the children in the sample were diagnosed with multiple developmental delays, behavioral health conditions, and specific learning disorders. Roughly 85% of children have behavioral challenges. Importantly, over 80% of families also reported their child’s strengths, including empathy, social magnetism, and their resilience. Conclusions The challenges for children born with prenatal opioid exposure may extend into school-age. The results are consistent with prior research on younger children, suggesting a potential need for the best practices for caring for neonates with NOWS to be extended to further ages and developmental stages.
prenatal opioid exposure,opioid epidemic,children,developmental implications,school-aged
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