Citizen Engagement on Government Social Media: Validation of Measurement Items

Lecture notes in networks and systems(2023)

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The emergence of social media with web 2.0 technology and User Generated Content (UGC), has brought change, this can be seen by the increasing number of social media users around the world, in line with the increasing Internet penetration. This is what makes governments in various parts of the world use social media primarily to gain community involvement. However, until now the use of social media has not been fully optimal, especially in Indonesia, where based on several research results it is still only for conveying information, and has not been optimal in responding to and monitoring feedback from citizens, in fact it is still far from collaboration between the community and the government. Based on these problems, this study aims to find factors that will become a model for citizen involvement in government social media, using a systematic literature review (SLR). The factors that have been obtained will first be assessed in terms of content validity [content validity index (CVI) and scale-content validity index (S-CVI)] to obtain question instruments that are in line with citizens’ expectations, which will then be make a questionnaire for residents, as supporting data in a quantitative model assessment. There are 14 constructs that are part of the citizen engagement model on government social media, with two items out of 56 question items that were rejected based on CVI calculation results, 54 of these question items which will then be distributed as questionnaires to citizens.
citizen engagement,government social media,social media
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