Adaptation of in-person curriculum tools for remote assessment of infants and toddlers with social communication concerns in community-based settings

International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities(2023)

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In this chapter, we discuss the use of curriculum-based assessments for evaluating social-communication skills in infants and toddlers with early developmental concerns, and the process we have taken to adapt one curriculum measure for remote telehealth administration. We begin by briefly comparing the benefits and challenges of curriculum-based and standardized cognitive assessments, focusing particularly on how each type of assessment captures change in social communication skills. This is followed by a description of how curriculum-based assessments might be adapted for remote- or community-based implementation using an example from our own work adapting the Early Start Denver Model Curriculum Checklist for use in studies of infants and toddlers with early social communication delays living throughout the United States. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of future directions in the development of remote developmental assessments for this population.
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