
Modulation Recognition of Optical and Electromagnetic Waves Based on Transfer Learning


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Light is a type of electromagnetic wave. Research on the modulation recognition of communication signals, which are also electromagnetic waves, can be applied to the field of modulation and demodulation of optical waves. The limited signal data and varying data distribution have an impact on the automatic modulation recognition of signals. To address this, we proposed a method to enhance the characteristic information of modulation patterns carried by signal data. We used the Wigner–Ville distribution and short-time Fourier transform to convert the original I/Q multi-channel modulated communication signal into time–frequency representation images (TFRIs). Additionally, we adopted a transfer learning approach, the domain adaptation network (DAN), to identify modulation modes of signals under different SNRs. The combination of signal conversion and transfer learning significantly improved the identification of modulation recognition. Our experiments demonstrated that our proposed method outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy at both high and low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Specifically, our method achieved a 10% increase in Top1-accuracy under high SNR, and overall improved the classification accuracy under low SNR compared to the adversarial transfer learning architecture (ATLA). This is attributed to the use of a more diverse and accurate dataset that provides a better representation of real-world communication signals. We also compared our experimental results with those of other papers, and the results show that our method achieved the best performance among the current state-of-the-art methods, considering the classification accuracy at different SNRs.
Automatic modulation recognition,Time–frequency representation images,Transfer learning,Domain adaptation network
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