Investigation of HER2 gene amplification and protein expression in canine primary pulmonary carcinoma

Journal of Comparative Pathology(2023)

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In this paper we obtain a one velocity macroscopic description of a mixture of two viscous compressible fluids by homogenization/averaging. The paper is written in two parts that can be read independently one of the other. In the first part, we propose two numerical schemes respectively for a two-fluid immiscible system, (i.e. two fluids separated by sharp interfaces) and for a bifluid mixture system (diffuse interface description via volume fractions). We present various simulations that suggest that the two systems of equations describe the same mixture at different scales and, as a consequence, that averaged velocity, density and pressure of the first model match with the respective velocity, density and pressure of the second model. In a second part, we show how to mathematically formalize the previous assertion via kinetic equations verified by the Young measures associated to oscillatory solutions of the model describing the finer scale.
her2 gene amplification,primary pulmonary carcinoma,protein expression
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