
The Effect of Different Grinding Technologies on the Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Depends on the Type of Intensifier

Diffusion and defect data, solid state data Part B, Solid state phenomena/Solid state phenomena(2023)

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Cement production is currently very energy-intensive, with the grinding process consuming the majority of the total energy in cement production. Therefore, there is a constant search for ways to reduce this amount of energy while maintaining the same grinding efficiency. The main goal of the article is to investigate the effect of grinding intensifiers, which should reduce the energy needed to grind raw materials. Potentially usable technologies in the field of mechanochemical activation are investigated, i.e., high-speed grinding through grinding in a laboratory planetary mill and disintegrator. High-speed disintegrator grinding technology is much more efficient than planetary grinding technology. Already during the first passage through the disintegrator, an increase in the specific surface area from 200 m 2 /kg to 280 m 2 /kg was recorded, with an estimated stay of the particle in the grinding space for 3-5 seconds. Using a planetary mill, the particles would have to remain in the grinding chamber for approximately 2 minutes to achieve such an increase in specific surface area. However, with further drops, the efficiency decreases, which is due to the high tendency to aggregation and agglomeration in this milling technology.
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