Real-time monitoring and alert system in pharmaceutical products transportation using IoT

Renato Klehm Rodrigues,Israel Gondres Torné, Fábio de Sousa Cardoso, Angilberto Muniz Ferreira Sobrinho, André Luiz Printes,Edry Antonio García Cisneros


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This project was developed to be designed in a real-time monitoring and alert system, applying the iot concept, for a cooler, which aims to ensure that a cold chain is maintained during a transport stage that uses as coolers. Rather, it is quite an easy-to-use design and other functional systems, which can be used for real-time monitoring as well. This system has the location functions: temperature and temperature control of the cooler, its sound alert emission. If the box temperature monitoring falls into the ideal range, the system detects and emits a sound in the box and sends the temperature, humidity and protection to the actions of an alert location, preserving the immediate actions taken for the cargo transport. A circuit with the Arduino microcontroller is used to automate this system, together with sensors and modules. The results obtained were satisfactory and the tests were carried out with the proposed objective. Therefore, it is concluded that the project worked correctly, meeting the essential requirements of a real-time monitoring system. With this, increasing confidence in the transport of pharmaceutical products, guaranteeing their diligence.
pharmaceutical products transportation,iot,alert system,monitoring,real-time
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