
The Structural Equation Model of the Spatial Distribution of Hydraulic Facilities on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and its Correlation with Natural Factors

Cheng Wang, Liangcheng Tan, Yiwen Zhang,Liang Li, Yihua Yan,Hu Yang, Yangqinxue Zeng

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Hydraulic facilities are an important part of the Ming and Qing Dynasty's Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and their distribution is closely related to the hydrological terrain in which they are located. This paper reconstructed the distribution map of the canal network and hydraulic facilities database during the Ming and Qing dynasties using ArcGIS, and used Amos 26.0 software to explore the impact of natural environmental factors on the selection of hydraulic facility locations. The results showed that the slope and slope direction of the main stream were directly related to the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities. The estimated value of the slope of the main stream was -0.166, which was negatively correlated with the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities, and the estimated value of the slope direction of the main stream was -0.112, which was negatively correlated with the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities. The estimated value of the watershed area where the hydraulic facilities were located was -0.096, which was also negatively correlated with the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities. The slope and slope direction of the tributaries indirectly affected the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities through the watershed area where the hydraulic facilities were located and did not have a direct correlation. The effect value of the slope of the tributaries was -0.017, which was negatively correlated with the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities, and the effect value of the slope direction of the tributaries was 0.010, which was positively correlated with the spatial distribution of hydraulic facilities.
hydraulic facilities,spatial distribution,structural equation model,beijing-hangzhou
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