The Coexistence of an Incomplete Superficial Palmar Arch and a Berrettini Anastomosis

Acta Medica Academica(2023)

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Objective. The aim of this study is to present a relatively rare case of the coexistence of an incomplete superficial palmar arch and a Berrettini anastomosis, identified in a cadaveric specimen, and further discuss the potential clinical implications of such anatomical variations.

Case Report. The variation was found in the left hand of a formalin-fixed male cadaver of Greek origin, that was dissected under an operating microscope (×4, ×10 magnification) in our Anatomy Department. In the specimen, we found an incomplete superficial palmar arch, formed only by the superficial branch of the ulnar artery, and a Type 1 Berrettini Anastomosis, originating from the ulnar nerve and joining a branch of the median nerve.

Conclusion. To avoid iatrogenic damage and permanent loss of sensation, hand surgeons and microsurgeons should be aware of the presence of a BA, and the potential coexistence of this variation with vascular abnormalities in the hand that may complicate surgical procedures.

incomplete superficial palmar arch,berrettini anastomosis
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