Blind spot in endocarditis guidelines: Mycobacterium chimaera prosthetic valve endocarditis after cardiac surgery—a case series

European Heart Journal - Case Reports(2023)

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The recently published 2023 Duke-ISCVID Criteria for Infective Endocarditis for the first time consider mycobacteria (esp. Mycobacterium chimaera) as 'typical' microorganisms for prosthetic valve endocarditis (major criteria). This reflects the ongoing worldwide outbreak of M. chimaera prosthetic valve endocarditis.Our case series demonstrates a diagnostic pathway for mycobacterial endocarditis. Symptoms are unspecific, and standard microbiological testing does not result in identification of the causative agent (see Graphical Abstract); therefore patients require special microbiological and imaging diagnostics. One patient with early diagnosis and stringent antibiotic and surgical therapy survived. Two patients with disseminated infection at the time point of diagnosis had fatal outcomes.The diagnostic approach in our small retrospective case series is in line with the new modified Duke criteria and underlines the diagnostic gap in the previous definitions. Outcome of M. chimaera prosthetic valve endocarditis is related to timely diagnosis and anti-mycobacterial as well as surgical treatment. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria should be given more attention in future endocarditis guidelines.
prosthetic valve endocarditis,endocarditis guidelines,cardiac surgery—a
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