
Multisite Results from a Practice-Based Self-Assessment for Oral Anticancer Agent (OAA) Management.

JCO oncology practice(2023)

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434 Background: The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) supported a 6-month American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Training Program (QTP) focused on oral anticancer agent (OAA) management. HOPA’s Oral Chemotherapy Collaborative, developed an OAA self-assessment tool to aid in identifying gaps in care regarding OAAs. The purpose of this study is to describe the results of the OAA baseline self-assessment completed by the participating teams. These results will provide insight into areas of future focus for OAA-based quality improvement. Methods: This multisite, retrospective analysis was conducted in September 2022, prior to the HOPA-ASCO QTP program launch. The OAA Self-Assessment was created by HOPA’s Oral Chemotherapy Collaborative utilizing Michigan Oncology Quality Consortium (MOQC’s) pre-existing OAA self-assessment as a guide. The final self-assessment included standards from MOQC, HOPA, and ASCO/ONS and took approximately 10 minutes to complete. Questions were categorized in the following 6 sections: Prescribing (n=25), Education (n=17), Dispensing/Distribution (n=5), Monitoring and Follow-Up (n=8), Practice Management (n=3), and Optimal-State Recommendations (n=4). Team leads from each of 9 participating sites focusing on OAA quality improvement were asked to share the anonymous assessment with team members at their sites who provide care to patients taking OAAs. All response choices were categorized as “never”, “sometimes”, or “always” for the degree to which the OAA standard is followed at the site. Frequency distributions are reported. Results: 105 clinicians (39 pharmacists, 34 nurses, 20 physicians, 10 NP/PAs, and 2 pharmacy technicians) completed the baseline self-assessment from 9 sites. Most standards had a response of “sometimes” or “always”. The area with the largest number of “always” was related to the completion of the OAA prescription. Of the 62 standards, 38 (61%) had at least 1 respondent select “never” and 4.5 respondents/standard (range 1 – 15) selected “never”. Standards that had the highest “never” responses were patient satisfaction monitoring (n=15), use of survivorship program for transition to primary care when appropriate (n=14), use of social determinants of health in OAA treatment decisions (n=13), documentation of treatment consent (n=12), use of therapeutics committee to determine place in therapy of OAAs (n=12), and use of collaborative practice agreements for pharmacists as part of the oncology care team (n=12). Conclusions: Adherence to OAA standards varied between the participating sites. A standardized baseline assessment evaluating current state is helpful in identifying gaps in care and targets for future quality improvement.
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