
Cultural Insights into Pakistan: Development and Validation of Perceived Cultural Logic Scale

Qlantic journal of social sciences and humanities(2023)

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Dignity, honor, and face culture is a new and different normative script for behavior in social interaction and negotiations. The main objective of the study was to develop and validate a theoretical model to measure the cultural logic of dignity, honor, and face culture. The study was configured in three phases using samples from different Universities in Pakistan with an age range of 18-25. In phase A, items were developed using a literature review and Thematic Analysis of data obtained through focused group discussions and interviews. Phase B was comprised of scale development in which the factor structure of the scale was confirmed using Principal Axis Factoring on the sample of N=348 emerging adults. In phase C, the measure was further subjected to confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, and validity procedures (N= 422). It was established through CFA that the measure had construct validity. Coefficient alpha ranged from .93 to .95. Validity of the measure was established through Average Variance Extracted (AVE= .64-.73), Maximum Variance Extracted (MSV= .02-.10) Fornell - Lacker Criterion and Hetro-trait Mono-trait criteria. Overall results indicated that the Perceived Cultural Logic Scale is a self-report, psychometrically sound, and comprehensive measure comprised of 23 items that can be used to evaluate the perception of cultural logic among emerging adults.
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