Enhanced Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm for Optimizing Cloud Computing Efficiency

Sudhir Kumar Mohapatra, Tarikwa Tesfa,Srinivas Prasad, Natnael Tilahun Sinshaw

Advances in information security, privacy, and ethics book series(2023)

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Facilitated by high-speed internet connectivity, the adoption of cloud computing has surged dramatically due to its distinctive attributes such as pay-as-you-go billing, ubiquitous accessibility, and minimal support requirements in the realm of service and resource delivery. While cloud computing draws inspiration from distributed, parallel, and grid computing paradigms, it also inherits their associated complexities and concerns. Among these challenges, optimizing performance stands out prominently. Enhancing performance can be achieved through the development of efficient load balancing algorithms. Efficient algorithms satisfy users and make optimal uses of resources of the cloud and hence improve performance. Several load balancing algorithms were designed to respond to performance problems. In this chapter, three well-established load balancing algorithms, namely round robin, equally spread current execution, and throttled, underwent a comprehensive analysis. This examination sought to unveil both the strengths and weaknesses inherent to these algorithms.
throttled load balancing algorithm,cloud computing efficiency
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