Comprehensive analysis of m6A modification in immune infiltration, metabolism and drug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma

Cancer Cell International(2024)

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N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is important in regulating mRNA stability, splicing, and translation, and it also contributes to tumor development. However, there is still limited understanding of the comprehensive effects of m6A modification patterns on the tumor immune microenvironment, metabolism, and drug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this study, we utilized unsupervised clustering based on the expression of 23 m6A regulators to identify m6A clusters. We identified differential m6A modification patterns and characterized m6A-gene-cluster A, which exhibited poorer survival rates, a higher abundance of Treg cells, and increased expression of TGFβ in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Additionally, m6A-gene-cluster A demonstrated higher levels of glycolysis activity, cholesterol metabolism, and fatty acid biosynthesis. We also found that the m6A score was associated with prognosis and drug resistance. Patients with a low m6A score experienced worse prognoses, which were linked to an abundance of Treg cells, upregulation of TGFβ, and increased metabolic activity. HCC patients with a higher m6A score showed improved prognosis following sorafenib treatment and immunotherapy. In conclusion, we reveals the association between m6A modification patterns and the tumor immune microenvironment, metabolism, and drug resistance in HCC. Furthermore, the m6A score holds potential as a predictive factor for the efficacy of targeted therapy and immunotherapy in HCC.
M6A modification,Tumor immune microenvironment,Metabolism,Targeted-therapy,Immunotherapy,Drug resistance
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