
Abstracts and awards from the DARTP Conference 2022Improving resilience in the classroom with the Hummingbird ProjectInclusive curriculum development with a Black, Asian and minority ethnic student advisory panelThe experiences of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic students studying psychology in the U.K and the development of an online decolonising the psychology curriculum and pedagogies toolkitStaying sonnected: a toolkit to support student groupworkImposter syndrome and sense of …

Ian A. Platt, Louise Taylor,Jagjeet Jutley-Neilson,Maxine Swingler, Izzy Kedge,James Brunton,Marta Mangiarulo,Ava Horowitz, Caitlin Conroy, Louise Taylor, Lizhi Ma,Caroline Wesson, Jane Guiller, Gayle Brewer, Tessa Webb, K Chim, Pat O’Connor, Jordan Donovan,Madeleine Pownall,Megan Barnard, Vicki McDermott-Thompson,Holly Scott, Nellinne Antoinette Ranaweera, Steven W. McNair,Sarah E. Rose,Danijela Serbic, Nicholas de Cruz,Samuel Fairlamb,Rachel Worthington,Maria Tsapali,Samuel Fairlamb, Steven W. McNair, Fay Julal Cnossen,Stephanie Burns, Jamie Murray, Linda A. Travis,Allán Laville, Madeleine Pownall,Jerome Carson,Chathurika Sewwandi Kannangara,Michelle Y. Tytherleigh,Kevin D. Hochard, F Charles,Paige Clarke-Jeffers,Amy Cook, Sotaro Kita, Derrick G. Watson, Gayle Pringle-Barnes,Sarah Amin, C. J. P. BEATTY, Sophia Pallaro, Chris Brand,Rachel Bromnick, Geoff Bunn,Lisa Cowap, F Charles, Yiu-bun Chung,Nicola Derrer-Rendall, Emma K. Gibson,Jacqui G. McKechnie, James Dayre McNally,Alex Oliver,Calanthe Hendrikse, Anjali Janagal, Jerry Lai,Ruth Lee, Adekunbi Luwaji, Joseph A. Mason,Stephanie McDonald,Harriet A. Allen,Emma Whitt,Clare Melvin, Phoebe Hill, Aideen Naughton, Torben Schulz, John Barratt,Catherine Steele,Kazia Anderson, E. Ashley Steel, Manfred Lamprecht, Xueying Feng, Jingyi Chen,Jennifer Taylor,Claire Y. Barlow, Annily Dee, Jessica W. Leigh

Psychology Teaching Review(2023)

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Objectives: Positive mental health in school predicts positive mental health throughout the lifetime. Positive Psychology interventions (PPIs) in secondary schools have been shown to improve mental health outcomes for students. The Hummingbird Project, a brief, multi-component PPI, educates secondary school students in a variety of Positive Psychology concepts, in the hope of improving mental health outcomes in this cohort. Design: Over a 4-year period (pilot, N = 90; full study year 1, N = 1,054; year 2, N = 876; year 3, N = 907), this intervention educated secondary school students on the concepts of happiness, gratitude, kindness, mindfulness, character strengths, hope, and growth mindsets. Outcomes: The intervention led to improvements in; student well-being, as measured by the World Health Organisation Well-Being Index (WHO-5); resilience, as measured by the Bolton Uni-Stride Scale (BUSS); hope, as measured by the Children’s Hope Scale (CHS); symptoms of mental distress, as measured by the Young Person’s Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (YP-CORE). Conclusions: These results show that a brief, multicomponent, PPI, delivered by non-specialist staff, can improve mental health outcomes in secondary school settings. This masterclass will show some of the methods employed in the delivery of the Hummingbird Project, discuss some of the various pitfalls one might encounter when attempting to deliver such psychological interventions in a school setting, and give participants an opportunity to try some of the activities involved in sessions. Participants will leave with a clearer understanding of some quick, simple exercises that can be performed with their students to improve mental health outcomes and academic attainment.
disabilitiesdecolonising teaching,psychology students,undergraduate psychology students,ethnic students,ethnic student,practicedrama-based,co-creating,in-person,students-as-digital-scholars,post-traumatic,gender-questioning,research-methods,co-design,post-lockdown,self-efficacy,to-be-remembered,working-classdecolonising
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