Corrigendum to “Primary vs. Salvage Liver Transplantation for Biliary Atresia: A Retrospective Cohort Study” J Pediatr Surg 57 (2022) 407–413

Journal of Pediatric Surgery(2024)

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The authors regret that there was an error in the abstract of the original manuscript published. The text should read “3438 children with biliary atresia were listed for transplant during the study period, with 15% of them listed for a primary transplant, 67% for salvage transplant after early failure, and 17% after late failure”. The percentages for early and late failure were erroneously swapped in the originally published version. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. DOI of original article: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000175. Primary vs. salvage liver transplantation for biliary atresia: A retrospective cohort studyJournal of Pediatric SurgeryVol. 57Issue 10PreviewBiliary atresia (BA) is the most common cause of end stage liver disease (ESLD) leading to liver transplantation (LT) in children. The current standard of care is to perform a Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy (HPE) for BA early in life (within 3 months of age) in an attempt to restore the flow of bile and reverse cholestasis. While this surgery may delay or even prevent progression to ESLD in some instances, the majority of children with BA experience HPE failure and eventually require a salvage LT [1–8]. Full-Text PDF
biliary atresia,salvage liver transplantation
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