Assessing ChatGPT’s Proficiency in CS1-Level Problem Solving

Communications in computer and information science(2023)

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ChatGPT is an advanced large language model (LLM) capable of generating code to solve specific problems when presented with carefully designed prompts, among other capabilities. The existence of ChatGPT raises signifi-cant questions regarding teaching practices and evaluations within the dis-cipline. If ChatGPT can effectively solve exercises assigned to students, it prompts a reevaluation of the skills and knowledge that we teach and eval-uate. The objective of this paper is to assess the proficiency of ChatGPT in solving exercises commonly encountered in a CS1 course. This serves as an initial step in exploring the implications of ChatGPT for computer science education. By examining ChatGPT’s performance and comparing it with real students, we aim to gain insights into its capabilities and limitations. Our evaluation encompasses a comprehensive examination of 125 problems specifically designed for CS1-level learners. The experiment revealed that ChatGPT successfully solved approximately 60% of the provided prob-lems. Subsequently, we conducted a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the problems that ChatGPT could not solve, aiming to gain a deeper un-derstanding of the nuances that make them challenging for LLMs. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding the integration of AI-based tools, such as ChatGPT, in computer science education, and high-lights the need for a reevaluation of educational objectives and methods employed in traditional educational institutions.
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