Tandemly duplicatedMYBgenes specifically in the Phaseoleae lineage are functionally diverged in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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Abstract Gene duplications have long been recognized as a driving force in the evolution of genes, giving rise to novel functions. The soybean genome is characterized by a large extent of duplicated genes. However, the extent and mechanisms of functional divergence among these duplicated genes in soybean remain poorly understood. In this study, we revealed that tandem duplication of MYB genes, which occurred specifically in the Phaseoleae lineage, exhibited a stronger purifying selection in soybean compared to common bean. To gain insights into the diverse functions of these MYB genes in anthocyanin biosynthesis, we examined the expression, transcriptional activity, metabolite, and evolutionary history of four MYB genes ( GmMYBA5 , GmMYBA2, GmMYBA1 and Glyma.09g235000 ), which were presumably generated by tandem duplication in soybean. Our data revealed that Glyma.09g235000 had become a pseudogene, while the remaining three MYB genes exhibited strong transcriptional activation activity and promoted anthocyanin biosynthesis in different soybean tissues. Furthermore, GmMYBA5 produced distinct compounds in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves compared to GmMYBA2 and GmMYBA1 due to variations in their DNA binding domains. The lower expression of anthocyanin related genes in GmMYBA5 resulted in lower levels of anthocyanins compared to GmMYBA2 and GmMYBA1 . Metabolomics analysis further demonstrated the diverse and differential downstream metabolites, suggesting their functional divergence in metabolites following gene duplication. Together, our data provided evidence of functional divergence within the MYB gene cluster following tandem duplication, which shed light on the potential evolutionary direction of gene duplications during legume evolution.
phaseoleae lineage,biosynthesis,duplicated<i>myb</i>genes
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