
Multiple Constraints Source to K- Terminal Reliability Optimization under Common Cause Failures

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Many systems like Gas pipelines, Irrigation systems, Fire Fighting Systems, etc., their satisfactory performance or reliability does not only depend on proper connectivity but also on delivering a required demand. Hence, reliability Optimization (RO) of such networks with Multiple Constraints i.e. Cost, Capacity, and Connectivity (CCC) is a complex decision. The common practices of RO are mostly observed as optimization at the component level compared to other alternative possibilities like right of way, feasibility of structural changes and capital investment for it etc. Till now extensive works have been proposed by many authors on the RO of SKT networks with single or multiple constraints using Exact and Approximate Methods. But RO of SKT Network with multiple constraints under Common Cause Failure (CCF) is a barely studied area. To demonstrate the proposed methodology, a single source to five terminals irrigation network is considered here. This paper is presented in three successive sections, Section A- Mathematical Modelling of SKT network applying Exhaustive Search Method to enumerate the successful paths with intended delivery capacity. Section B- Heuristic Approach is used for Reliability Optimization of SKT network with s-identical redundant components under cost constraints. Section C - Demonstrate the effect of CCFs using Poison Failure processes. In Conclusion Reliability of the SKT network with and without CCF is compared to show the significant effects of CCF. For its analysis, author has considered the irrigation network and assuming the common tendency of network optimization with s-identical components to explain how unknowingly the affect CCF get introduced due to selection of s-identical components especially in an identical operating conditions.
multiple constraints source,common cause failures,reliability
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