Promoção da saúde no puerpério: avaliação da assistência na Atenção Primária

Tatiane Baratieri, Rayra Gabriela Stasiu,Iria Bárbara de Oliveira, Kassia Aparecida Mann Ferreira,Sônia Natal

Espaco para a Saúde(2023)

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The objective was to evaluate healthcare actions developed by Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals for women in the postpartum period. An evaluative study of the implementation analysis type with a quantitative and qualitative approach was carried out in a municipality in each state in the South region of Brazil. Thirty-one puerperal women and 28 primary care professionals participated. Data analysis was performed by evaluating the degree of implementation determined by the Analysis and Judgment Matrix, followed by categorical content analysis. The results showed that one case was considered incipient implantation and the other two partial ones. A lack of physical examination during consultations, of exclusive attention to the newborn, of guidance on warning signs and common problems, and late performance of the first postpartum consultation were observed. It is concluded that physical health care must be improved by professionals to guarantee better care.
avaliação da assistência,atenção primária,puerpério
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