Sowing depth and loads on press wheels in emergence, growth, and yield of safflower

Ricielly Eloyze Rosseto,Reginaldo Ferreira Santos,Flávio Gurgacz,Jerry Adriani Johann, Franziska Kaiser,Doglas Bassegio,Pablo Chang, Claudia Luiza Maziero, Fernando Luiz da Cruz Balena,Cristiano Fernando Lewandoski, Paulo de Lima Bueno

Australian Journal of Crop Science(2023)

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Safflower has recently been introduced to Brazil. This plant has attracted this view due to its properties and capacity to supply oil that can potentially be used both in the manufacture of biofuels and in the food industry. In order to contribute with studies for the viability of this crop in the country, which are still lacking in the management of seeding, the study aimed to assess the mechanization of seeding a safflower genotype in two seeding depths (4.5 and 6.5 cm) and three levels of loads applied to the wheels (117.7, 156.9, and 196.1N) in the emergence, growth, and grain yield. The experimental design of randomized complete block design arranged in factorial 2 × 3, with four replications. Seeding depth and loads on press wheels did not affect the emergence rate of safflower. The root length, plant height, stem diameter, and dry mass of the plant at 30 DAE were benefited by seeding in depth of 4.5 cm in relation to the depth of 6.5 cm. Higher grain yield was observed for loads of 196.1 N compared to the pressure of 117.7 N, with values of 725 and 443 kg ha–1, respectively. Grain yield was 61% higher when seeding at a depth of 4.5 cm. Thus, the adjustment of the compactor wheels can influence in the safflower seeding process
safflower,press wheels
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