
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Sustainability of Crop Production in the West Bengal, India

Earth and Environmental Sciences Library(2023)

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Since the earth’s creation, there has been a constant shift in the climate. Over the past ten years, there has been a lot of political and scientific interest in climate change. Even though the earth’s climate has always had distinct hot and cold cycles, these changes have been seen to happen relatively swiftly over the past 150–200 years everywhere on Earth. In order to address the worldwide concern about food and fibre for the growing people from inadequate soil resources, soil seems to be more significant for current human cultures than ever before. Climate change is putting the world’s food security in jeopardy. Countries like India are more defenceless as a result of the harsh tropical environment and the poor adaptation of small and marginal farmers. Agriculture is most likely to be significantly impacted by the direct and indirect effects of climate change on crops, soil flora and fauna, animals, and pests. Despite being a slow-moving process with relatively small changes in temperature and precipitation over a long period of time, climate change has an impact on a number of soil processes, including soil fertility, soil structure, and stability, nutrient availability, top soil water holding capacity, and erosion. Changes in soil moisture conditions, an increase in soil temperature, and a rise in CO2 levels are all anticipated climate change effect on soils. Depending on the processes and characteristics of the soil that are crucial for recovering soil fertility and production, the consequences of global climate change are expected to differ. Heat waves and rising CO2 levels are the primary indicators of climate change. In conclusion, increased output frequently causes the soil to accumulate more carbon, which raises the level of organic matter.
crop production,climate change,west bengal,sustainability
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