
Eigenbases for a Force-Constrained Position Control of Adaptive Shell Mirrors

Astronomy &amp Astrophysics(2024)

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Context. The deployment of meter-scale (hitherto pre-focal) adaptive deformable mirrors finds some prominent examples in the leading ground-based visible to near-infrared facilities (e.g. the Very Large Telescope (VLT), the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), or the Magellan Telescope) and is being adopted by several others (e.g. the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) or Subaru). Furthermore, two out of the three giant segmented-mirror telescopes now under design will feature them. In all these cases, the proprietary technology is based on voice-coils and is limited in force, stroke, and velocity. Aims. Because of the nature of their purpose, that is, adaptive wave-front correction, any kind of optimality relies on the control of a subset of principal wave-front components or eigenmodes, for short, a basis of functions in a mathematical sense. Here we provide algorithmic procedures for generating such eigenbases, also called Karhunen-Loeve (KL) modes, that integrate force limitations in their definitions whilst maintaining standard orthonormality, statistical independence, and deformable mirror span. Methods. The double-diagonalisation method was revisited to build KL modes ranked by the force applied on the actuators. Results. We analysed this new KL basis for von Karman turbulence statistics and present the fitting error and the distribution of positions and forces. We further illustrate their use in the case of the quaternary mirror control for the European Extremely Large Telescope, and we include the outer actuator minioning and force policy constraints.
instrumentation: adaptive optics,telescopes,methods: analytical
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