Biotransformation of Lignocellulosic-Based Biomass Waste into Value-Added Energy Products

The handbook of environmental chemistry(2023)

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The obtention of sustainable energy products using various renewable resources, such as lignocellulosic-based biomass waste, has gained supreme interest. Highly effective and suitable biotransformation of waste biomass materials by fulfilling the promises of economic, ecological, and environmental motives offers considerable potential to replace non-renewable fossil resources. Undoubtedly, fossil resources have been extensively exploited to get energy and related products. However, the adverse environmental impact of this extensive consumption of non-renewable fossil resources cannot be ignored. After years of ignorance, people, societies, and policymakers are now more aware of the need for sustainability and greener products for a better tomorrow. Biodelignification of lignocellulosic-rich biomass waste uses ligninolytic enzymes of different origins appears robust, ecologically friendlier, mild responsive, and sustainable approach. This particular chapter signifies the high turnover value of lignocellulosic-based biomass and their lucrative employment for the development and fabrication of eco-friendlier and cost-effective energy products. A specific emphasis is given to the ligninolytic enzyme-assisted biotransformation of lignocellulose-rich waste biomass into value-added biofuels and bioenergy products. In the end, concluding remarks and potential challenges and future standpoints in this promising field must be considered in future studies.
biomass waste,biotransformation,lignocellulosic-based,value-added
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