
Availability of Antimalarial Medicines in Community Pharmacies of Lusaka District, Zambia: Implications on Compliance to Malaria Treatment Guidelines

Pharmacology & Pharmacy(2023)

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Background: Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Zambia, affecting all levels of society, with children under the age of five and pregnant women being most at risk of serious illness. The availability of antimalarial medicines is one of the key interventions of malaria management. This study assessed the availability of antimalarial medicines in community pharmacies in Lusaka district, Zambia. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that was conducted among 210 community pharmacies from September to November 2022 using a well-structured checklist in selected areas of Lusaka district. The availability was verified by a physical check of the product. The checklist contained the medicines listed both in the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of malaria in Zambia as well as in the World Health Organization (WHO) malaria treatment guidelines. Results: This study found that all antimalarials listed in the local treatment guidelines for malaria were available in community pharmacies, though with the varying distribution. Of the 210 community pharmacies, 209 (99.5%) had artemether/lumefantrine in stock. The lowest available antimalarial was quinine/clindamycin, which was only available in 3 (1.4%) of the outlets. Conversely, 3 out of 16 (18.8%) antimalarials that were available in community pharmacies were not listed in the local treatment guidelines of malaria in Zambia, despite being listed in the WHO malaria treatment guidelines. This translated into a compliance level of 81.2% based on the local malaria treatment guidelines. Conclusion: This study concluded that antimalarials were available for all categories of malaria management in community pharmacies, though with a varying distribution. The presence of antimalarials not listed in the Zambian treatment guidelines is of public health concern which may have an impact on antimicrobial resistance in the future.
antimalarial medicines,community pharmacies,zambia,lusaka district
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