Shape-dependent motility of polar inclusions in active baths

Pritha Dolai, Aditya Singh Rajput,K. Vijay Kumar


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Collections of persistently moving active particles are an example of a nonequilibrium heat bath. One way to study the nature of nonequilibrium fluctuations in such systems is to follow the dynamics of an embedded probe particle. With this aim, we study the dynamics of an anisotropic inclusion embedded in a bath of active particles. By studying various statistical correlation functions of the dynamics, we show that the emergent motility of this inclusion depends on its shape as well as the properties of the active bath. We demonstrate that both the decorrelation time of the net force on the inclusion and the dwell time of bath particles in a geometrical trap on the inclusion have a non-monotonic dependence on its shape. We also find that the motility of the inclusion is optimal when the volume fraction of the active bath is close to the value for the onset of motility induced phase separation.
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