A Privacy Protection Method for Deepfake Hybrid Cloud Computing

L. Subhashini, S. Maheswari,S. Prabhu

Advances in multimedia and interactive technologies book series(2023)

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Cloud computing developed the world rapidly, so in our lifetimes, other cloud services are entered, and the security protection in our cloud services, particularly the protection against data sequestration, is gaining importance. Still, the protection separation implementation causes a huge drain. Therefore, it is difficult to implement the most appropriate product to reduce consumption power while protecting separation. The proposal proposes a full-scale sequestration scheme (PPPS) to provide usable sequestration protection that satisfies stone sequestration requirements while system performance can be maintained. First, the separation is unidentified by the drugs they carry, and they quantify the degree of security and perform the TripleDES standard and AES standard encrypts algorithms. The safety formulation is also derived from analysis results and professional data. Finally, similar results display that PPPS also meets the request sequestration from stones and maintains the performance in various cloud environments.
privacy protection method,cloud
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