A comparative analysis of traditional and electronic learning systems and their applications in new education system

KDV Prasad,Shyamsunder Chitta, Hariprasad Soni, Hariprasad Soni

Multidisciplinary Science Journal(2023)

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Teaching via the Web is a new issue that functions mostly as a possible academic infrastructure and a fruitful field of inquiry into its influence on teaching & learning practices. It is a subject that deserves more attention since it is so new. Due to the major differences between e-core learning and face-to-face transmission, extra new abilities for programmed development, online evaluation, and interaction, in addition to conventional characteristics, are needed in contrast to conventional features. Construct online programs and websites from the ground up using MOODLE, a package of the program that allows you to do just that. It is called a Learning Management System (LMS) because it allows students, instructors, & peers to work together more efficiently on initiatives or assignments in general. In this section, we will look at how instructors utilize MOODLE to build exciting & exciting learning programs at a variety of specialized schools, as well as how educators make use of the multiple capabilities of MOODLE to develop vivid & fascinating teaching circumstances.
electronic learning systems,new education systems
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