Room temperature experimental implementation of quantum logic on a hybrid magnon-spin system

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract The rapid advancement of quantum information technology has spurred the need for establishing hybrid quantum systems capable of providing complementary functionalities and multitasking capabilities. Recently, there has been growing interest in hybrid quantum platforms that leverage magnons and other discrete quantum systems. However, the realization of a hybrid quantum system incorporating both a single spin and coherent magnons has remained elusive. In this study, we achieve a significant breakthrough by successfully demonstrating the precise control of a single spin’s state through flexible coherent magnon driving. This accomplishment is made possible through the use of nitrogen-vacancy-center and Yttrium-Iron-Garnet films. Our findings not only underscore the advantages of single spin coherence for implementing high-fidelity quantum logic but also highlight the absence of heat generation of magnon driving resulting from reducing two orders of magnitude energy cost. This, in turn, opens up exciting avenues for further research focused on entangling spin qubits with quantum data bus of magnon within the context of quantum networks.
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