The Effect of Preconcenption Moringa Leaf Extract Supplementation on Cotinine Serum Levels in Pregnant Women Exposed to Tobacco Smoke

Haerani Harun, Adil Daud,Ridwan Amiruddin, M Sabir,Veni Hadju,Anwar Mallongi, Rahma Rahma, Miranti Miranti,Tamrin Talebe, M Faris

Pharmacognosy Journal(2023)

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Background: Moringa oleifera is known for its nutrition content, antioxidant and medical benefit. Tobacco smoke contains various toxic substance and can affect the pregnancy. To reduce the tobacco smoke effect on pregnancy outcome good nutrition is needed. Objective: This study aims to assess the effect of Moringa leaf extract on serum cotinine levels in pregnant women exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke. Method: This is an observational study with a prospective cohort study design the study population was pregnant women which were divided by 2 groups, first group received IFA supplements only (n = 30) and the second group receive IFA and Moringa leaf extract supplements (n = 26). The tobacco smoke exposure data collected with questionnaire, and cotinine serum by blood sample. The tobacco smoke exposure and cotinine serum levels were compered between the two groups. Results: The tobacco smoke exposures at home were higher in MO+IFA group pregnant women then the IFA group pregnant women (p<0,05). The cotinine serum levels in both groups were found not significantly different (p=0,535). These results indicate that pregnant woman with high exposure of tobacco smoke who MO receive have similar cotinine serum levels with the pregnant woman with lower exposure of tobacco smoke. Conclusion: Moringa leaf extract supplementation to pregnant women with high tobacco smoke exposure has serum cotinine levels similar to pregnant women with lower exposure to tobacco smoke.
cotinine serum levels,tobacco smoke,pregnant women
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