

European heart journal supplements(2023)

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Background Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of myocardium, with a wide range of clinical presentation. Myocarditis may mimic acute coronary syndrome (ACS), but it is also possible an overlap between these two different syndromes, as we considered the close relationship between wide inflammatory systemic condition and coronary atherosclerotic plaque instability Case report: We report the case of 29 years old man admitted to emergency department for burning chest pain changed with breathing and in different positions of the body, associated to dyspnea on mild–moderate exertion. Symptoms had begun to arise a week earlier, with flu–like symptoms, and got worse in the last 48 hours. In his clinical history the patient reports: previous myocarditis, dyslipidemia, hyperhomocysteinemia, overweight, family history of cardiovascular disease and a previous COVID infection. Blood tests found a rise of Troponin I HS. Electrocardiogram showed diphasic T wave in antero–lateral leads. An echocardiogram showed left ventricle with normal cavitary dimensions and preserved global systolic function, apical segment of interventricular septum and inferior wall hypokinetic; minimal pericardial detachment with leaflet hyperecogenicity. The patient was admitted to Cardiology ward, and he was given a medical therapy with colchicina 0.5 mg 1 cp x 2/die and AcetylSalicilic Acid 1000 mg x 3 /die. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance showed epi–mesocardial LGE in inferior and lateral distal segments, compatible with myocarditis. CT coronary angiography exhibited a calcified plaque determining partial caliber reduction in anterior descending coronary proximal segment, the coronary in its apical portion appeared ectatic, hypodense and poorly dulled likely for steno–occlusion. Therefore, it was performed a coronary angiography that revealed an anterior descending coronary artery occluded at the apical tract, the OCT showed plaque erosion with thrombotic apposition at the mid–proximal tract of the vessel. Finally, considered results of instrumental exams, a second antiplatelet agent, a hypolipidemic drug were added Discussion According to the cardiac MRI findings and the coronary angiography, it was hypothesized a picture of acute coronary syndrome triggered by erosion of the unstable coronary plaque, induced by the massive myocardial inflammation related to the myocarditis. The relationship between acute infections and myocardial infarction has been already established in COVID–19 patients
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