
Coordinate Determination of Domestic SLR Stations Based on Long Arc Orbit Determination Method Using Laser Ranging Data from Lageos1/2 Satellites

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technology is one of the main technologies in the field of space geodesy, it has played an extremely important role in laser ranging data application and research. As a commonly used geodynamic satellites, the main contribution of Lageos1/2 is the solution of orbit determination and station coordinates. At present, there are 7 analysis centers of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) to release the precise orbit products for Lageos1/2 satellites. However, there is currently no relevant research on the analysis of the consistency of these orbits. So, the authors would evaluate the accuracies of them, and the results show that the orbital accuracies of Lageos1/2 satellites are 3 ~ 5 cm. SLR is regarded as one of the important input data of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), the analysis center of ILRS provides weekly solutions of station coordinates for ITRF. But, due to the limitation of SLR observation conditions, for example observations can only be made almost exclusively at night and cannot be observed in rainy days, the orbit solution of the seven-day arc may have the problem of less data. Therefore, this paper proposed a method for calculating the station coordinates based on long arc orbit determination, and we adopted the method to solve the station coordinates of five SLR stations in China. The results show that the obtained orbital precision is basically superior to 3.70 cm, and the differences between station coordinates solved by us and the coordinates published by ITRF2014 are basically smaller than 0.013 m, which is consistent with research results domestic and overseas.
domestic slr stations,satellites
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