
Conservation and Sustainable Uses of Medicinal Plants Phytochemicals

Reference series in phytochemistry(2023)

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Plants play a key role in humans by providing uncountable ecosystem services and have sophisticated traditional medicinal importance. Food, flavors, clothing, fragrances, and shelters are major benefits of plant ecosystem. Medicinal plants gained wider recognition due to varying herbal products but these are disappearing at alarming rate. Climate change also affects medicinal resources and their conservation is of prime concern today. However, conservation strategies and resource management techniques minimize medicinal plant depletions at greater extent. Good farming practices and sustainable use solutions are progress by resource management techniques. Whereas conservation strategies promote both in situ and ex situ methods, which are further geared by sustainable usage of medicinal plant resources. Protecting medicinal plant resources are highly advocated in updated and reframed policy. Also, an awareness of the importance of medicinal plant and its sustainable usage is recommended from local to global platforms. Constructive policies and plans are needed for conserving and sustainable usage of important medicinal plants, which having herbal and ethnobotanical importance. Therefore, healthy medicinal plants maximize species diversity and intensity of many ecosystem services, which maintains soil, food, and climate security at the global scale. Further, a transdisciplinary approach is needed for targeting production, conservation, and sustainable usage of medicinal resources, which strengthen socioecological and economic paradigm. Moreover, scientific research and future recommendation are necessitated for defending medicinal losses as threatened and species rarity in the safeguards of humans which maintains environmental sustainability and ecological stability.
sustainable uses,conservation
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