Computational Evaluation of the Potential of Salicylate Compound from Syzygium aromaticum on Carbonic Anhydrase I as a Gastric Acid Stimulant

Rahadian Zainul, Rismi Verawati, Rauza Sukma Rita, Fadhli Ranuharja, Musa Ghufron, Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Herland Satriawan, Muhammad Raffi Ghifari,Devi Purnamasari,Riso Sari Mandeli,Amalia Putri Lubis,Viol Dhea Kharisma,Vikash Jakhmola,Мaksim Rebezov, ANM Ansori

Pharmacognosy Journal(2023)

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This article explores the potential of the salicylate compound (Syzygium Aromaticum) as a stimulant for Carbonic Anhydrase I in gastric acid secretion, using a computational approach. The research methods include molecular modeling with Pymol and Pyrex, determination of compound structure and interactions with Protein Plus, and examination of physicochemical properties using the Lipinski Rule. The results show that the Binding Affinity of salicylate with Carbonic Anhydrase I ranges from -7.3 to -6.5, with RMSD values of 0, 2.102, and 2.212, indicating good modeling quality. The interaction between salicylate and Carbonic Anhydrase I is also supported by the findings from Protein Plus. Furthermore, the salicylate compound complies with the Lipinski Rule, with a molecular weight of 137, 1 hydrogen bond donor, 3 hydrogen bond acceptors, a log P value of 0.34, and a molar reactivity of 34.16. This study highlights the prospect of salicylate as a potential modulator of Carbonic Anhydrase I.
salicylate compound,carbonic anhydrase,gastric acid stimulant,syzygium aromaticum
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