
Comments on the teaching of thermodynamics in an environmental sciences post graduation discipline

Observatorio de la economía latinoamericana(2023)

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The sciences related to mathematics and that have mathematics as a tool present the same kind of problem in the learning process, hence, also, in their teaching; for example, the teaching of biophysics that show problems because is an exact discipline and, also, teaching for biological areas where people, usually, don’t is familiarized with mathematics way. In this work some didactic approaches to associate the teaching of thermodynamics to Environmental Science subjects in a literature search were performed, using the concepts of new teaching methodologies, proposing an approach to improve the conditions of understanding about environmental problems. A bibliographic survey was carried out by searching for data on thermodynamics, teaching, environmental sciences within the CAPES periodicals platform, which allows finding texts in other databases such as Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science. Additional material was obtained by searching in Google Academic. The main works consulted dealt more specifically with “exact sciences education”, “environmental education”, “biophysics education”, “environmental” and others. In total, 42 texts were analyzed and separated by subject content 21 about exact sciences education, 8 about environment education, 5 about biophysics education, 5 about environment and 3 for other subjects used to justify some ideas. Final considerations: In conclusion, the deficits in the teaching of exact sciences with a focus on thermodynamics are real in teaching in Brazil, with practical evidence in the discipline on Environmental Sciences in a graduate course, but whose students' distress in learning mobilized a path of studies in the production of a work to alert and indicate ways, within the modern technologies of teaching, to assist the teaching of thermodynamics in education since elementary school. So, it is urgent that the teaching of environmental sciences is improved, that modern teaching technologies are made effective in teaching with an emphasis on the exact sciences, so that a more robust education allows important themes to be deepened in higher and post-graduate education with at least less discomfort for students and teachers.
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