The Prevention of the Birth of an Autistic Child is Simpler than its Cure

Journal of neuroscience and neurological surgery(2023)

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Impressive intellect and extrovert nature exhibited by the child spring from both, the supremacy of protective factors during nine months of the gestation period and the favorable genes of the parents. There is no approved allopathic, homeopathic, or ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder or any neurodevelopmental childhood disease for that matter. The challenges faced by the lady during pregnancy and the delivery of the child, therefore need to be delicately addressed so that the birth of an abnormal child does not occur in the first place. The intellectual and physical personality of the unborn child is dependent on the sound health of the pregnant lady during gestation, proper nutrition, and a loving home environment. Thus, the prevention of the birth of an autistic child is the only reasonable option available at present and appears to be simpler than its cure. We believe that the society at large in India and around the world would greatly benefit from this review article.
autistic child,prevention,cure,birth
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