Subclinical structural atypicality of the retinal thickness and association with gray matter volume of the visual cortex in maltreated children

Akiko Yao,Shota Nishitani,Yutaka Yamada, Hideyuki Oshima, Yoshikazu Sugihara,Kai Makita, Shinichiro Takiguchi, Natasha Yuriko dos Santos Kawata,Takashi Fujisawa,Hidehiko Okazawa,Masaru Inatani,Akemi Tomoda

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Individuals who experienced childhood maltreatment reportedly have atypical gray matter structures in their primary visual cortex (V1). Thus, we hypothesized that the sensory structures of vision may also be affected by these influences and are related to each other. General ophthalmologic examinations, visual cognitive tasks, retinal imaging, and brain structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed to compare the differences between children and adolescents aged 9–18 years with maltreatment experiences (CM) and typically developing (TD) children. The retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and the segment (GCL++) summed with the RNFL and ganglion cell layer with the inner plexiform layer of the macular were significantly thinner in both eyes in CM. Although whole-brain analysis of Voxel-Based Morphometry revealed a significantly larger gray matter volume (GMV) in the thalamus compared to TD, there was no significant correlation with RNFL and GCL + + thickness. Based on the region-of-interest analysis, the thinner RNFL and GCL + + were associated with a larger GMV in the right V1. Owing to abusive experiences, CM showed subclinical structural atypicality in the retina, which may account for the immature V1 development since brain regions remain larger. Examination of retinal thickness could be a new clinical approach to capture CM characteristics.
retinal thickness,visual cortex,gray matter volume
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